A constitutive approach is developed that predicts the critical stress for
twinning as a function of external (temperature, strain rate) and internal
(grain size, stacking-fault energy) parameters. Plastic deformation by slip
and twinning are considered as competitive mechanisms. The twinning stress
is equated to the slip stress based on the plastic flow by thermally assis
ted movement of dislocations over obstacles, which leads to successful pred
iction of the slip-twinning transition. The model is applied to body center
ed cubic, face centered cubic, and hexagonal metals and alloys: Fe, Cu, bra
sses, and Ti, respectively. A constitutive expression for the twinning stre
ss in BCC metals is developed using dislocation emission from a source and
the formation of pile-ups, as rate-controlling mechanism. Employing an Eshe
lby-type analysis, the critical size of twin nucleus and twinning stress ar
e correlated to the twin-boundary energy, which is directly related to the
stacking-fault energy (SFE) for FCC metals. The effects of grain size and S
FE are examined and the results indicate that the grain-scale pile-ups are
not the source of the stress concentrations giving rise to twinning in FCC
metals. The constitutive description of the slip-twinning transition are in
corporated into the Weertman-Ashby deformation mechanism maps, thereby enab
ling the introduction of a twinning domain. This is illustrated for titaniu
m with a grain size of 100 mum. (C) 2001 Acta Materialia Inc, Published by
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.