The evolution of thinking about energy is discussed. When the authors began
collaborating 20 years ago, energy was typically considered from a growth-
oriented, supply-side perspective, with a focus on consumption trends and h
ow to expand supplies to meet rising demand. They were deeply troubled by t
he environmental, security and equity implications of that approach. For in
stance, about two billion people lack access to affordable modern energy se
riously limiting their opportunities for a better life. And energy is a sig
nificant contributor to environmental problems, including indoor air pollut
ion, urban air pollution, acidification, and global warming. The authors sa
w the need to evolve a different perspective in which energy is provided in
ways that help solve such serious problems. They argued that energy must b
ecome an instrument for advancing sustainable development-economically viab
le, need-oriented, self-reliant and environmentally sound development-and t
hat the focus should be on the end uses of energy and the services that ene
rgy provides. Energy technological options that can help meet sustainable d
evelopment goals are discussed. The necessity of developing and employing i
nnovative technological solutions is stressed. The possibilities of technol
ogical leapfrogging that could enable developing countries to avoid repeati
ng the mistakes of the industrialized countries is illustrated with a discu
ssion of ethanol in Brazil. The role foreign direct investment might play i
n bringing advanced technologies to developing countries is highlighted. Ne
ar-and long-term strategies for rural energy are discussed. Finally, policy
issues are considered for evolving the energy system so that it will be co
nsistent with and supportive of sustainable development.