Hypodermoclysis, the subcutaneous infusion of fluids, is a useful and easy
hydration technique suitable for mildly to moderately dehydrated adult pati
ents, especially the elderly. The method is considered safe and does not po
se any serious complications. The most frequent adverse effect is mild subc
utaneous edema that can be treated by local massage or systemic diuretics.
Approximately 3 L can be given in a 24-hour period at two separate sites. C
ommon infusion sites are the chest, abdomen, thighs and upper arms. The pre
ferred solution is normal saline, but other solutions, such as half-normal
saline, glucose with saline or 5 percent glucose, can also be used. Potassi
um chloride can be added to the solution bag if needed. Hyaluronidase can a
lso be added to enhance fluid absorption. Hypodermoclysis can be administer
ed at home by family members or a nurse; the technique should be familiar t
o every family physician.