Background The segment of patients with advanced coronary artery disease, o
r disease that is not amenable to conventional revascularization therapies,
continues to grow. Because the natural history of these patients is less d
efined, the appropriate end points for trials of novel revascularization th
erapies involving patients with advanced coronary artery disease are not ce
Methods and Results The Mediators of Social Support Study (MOSS) prospectiv
ely followed up outcomes of long-term survival, quality of life, resource u
se, and costs for 1189 patients and compared outcomes of patients with adva
nced coronary artery disease with those of a reference group who underwent
bypass surgery or angioplasty.
Conclusions Despite greater disease burden, cost, and mortality for patient
s with advanced coronary artery disease, a number of self-reported measures
of general health status improved in a similar fashion to that of patients
eligible for angioplasty or bypass surgery. These findings should inform t
he design of trials involving novel therapies, suggesting that angina statu
s and mortality be included as primary end points in the consideration of e
fficacy. This work also suggests that additional studies of novel therapies
involving larger sample sizes may be required to confidently characterize