OBJECTIVES: The development of reflux esophagitis in humans is a process re
sulting from esophageal exposure to refluxed gastric contents. There is no
doubt that damage to the esophageal epithelium requires exposure to gastric
acid; however, the role of refluxed pepsin as contributor to this damage s
eems to be underappreciated.
METHODS: The role of physiological concentrations of pepsin was examined in
Ussing chambered rabbit esophageal epithelium and in cultured esophageal e
pithelial cells.
RESULTS: The results of this investigation reaffirmed the ability of pepsin
to increase the rate and degree of esophageal cell and tissue damage at ac
idic pH, although the range of activity was limited to pH < 3.0. Moreover,
the increased rate of tissue damage by acidified pepsin rapidly (within 15
min) produced a lesion that was irreversible, whereas, in a similar time fr
ame, acid alone produced a lesion that was completely reversible. This earl
y lesion by acidified pepsin was localized by performance of mannitol fluxe
s in apparently undamaged esophageal epithelium on light microscopy to the
intercellular junctional complex. Further acid produced similar degrees of
cell killing as acidified pepsin at pH < 3.0 in rabbit esophageal epithelia
l cells in suspension but not when growing on coverslips or present within
intact epithelium.
CONCLUSIONS: These studies suggest that acidified pepsin plays a key role i
n the development of reflux esophagitis by producing an early irreversible
lesion that results in an increase in paracellular permeability, which indi
rect evidence suggests is due to damage to the junctional complex. The irre
versibility of the increase in paracellular permeability is likely to aid c
onversion of nonerosive to erosive damage to the epithelium by permitting l
uminal acid greater access to the basolateral membrane of esophageal epithe
lial cells, which is known to be acid permeable. (C) 2001 by Am. Coll. of G