Medial tibial stress syndrome, a common condition of uncertain origin found
in athletes, is characterized by pain in the distal posteromedial aspect o
f the tibia during exercise, with or without increased scintigraphic uptake
in the affected region. To determine whether medial tibial stress syndrome
with increased scintigraphic uptake is associated with a change in tibial
bone mineral density confined to the site of the increased uptake, we measu
red bone mineral density (in grams per square centimeter) in 18 adult male
athletes with long-standing medial tibial stress syndrome and compared the
measurements with those of 16 age-and sex-matched control subjects and with
those of 18 athletes without medial tibial stress syndrome who had a compa
rable training regimen. Tibial bone mineral density in the region correspon
ding to the pain was 15% +/- 9% lower in the patients than in control subje
cts and 23% +/- 8% lower than in the athletic control subjects (both signif
icant differences). Bone mineral densities in most other regions of the bod
y were higher than in the control subjects but lower than in the athletic c
ontrols at the corresponding sites. In summary, medial tibial stress syndro
me is associated with low regional bone mineral density.