An apparatus has been developed to enable the in vitro measurement of the k
inematics and kinetics of a slipknot, both while the knot is being tightene
d and with the knot in place and the tension removed. During tightening, th
e apparatus provides a linearly increasing resistance, which may be conside
red analogous to the resistance experienced when the labrum is drawn toward
and apposed to the edge of the glenoid cavity during a Bankart repair. The
tension to close the knot is measured with a tensiometer, in tandem with t
he closure of the capsule model onto the bone anchor, which is measured wit
h a datalogger. The tightening tension was limited to 25 N and intraoperato
r and interoperator comparisons were made for four knots tied by six partic
ipants. Failure of a knot was taken to be reverse slippage of 2 mm. A secon
d criterion of ease of slide was used to assess each knot. We found wide in
teroperator variability with regard to slipknot tying. A methodology for qu
ality control of slipknot tying is presented.