Purpose: Because of the recent innovative growth in computer technology, di
gital imaging, and the Internet, we can take advantage of these facilities
for education and clinical work in nuclear medicine. We developed a tele-nu
clear medicine conference system with electronic mail (e-mail) on the Inter
net. Methods: Twenty-one physicians (20 radiologists, 1 neurologist), 6 tec
hnologists and 2 medical students in six university hospitals (Japan 5, Can
ada 1), 5 local hospitals in Japan participated in this project. We used di
gital still cameras (330 k pixels) equipped with a floppy disk drive and 10
x optical zoom to digitize images with JPEG compression (640 x 480 matrix)
. The images were attached to e-mail messages (containing a brief descripti
on of each case). The mail was sent simultaneously to all members on the ma
iling list. Scintigram and SPECT images as well as other radiological image
s were sent by e-mail. Reply mails about each case were sent to all members
via the mailing list. Results: During a period of 6 months, 18 cases (tumo
r/infection: 7, bone: 6, cardiovascular: 1, neurology; 3, endocrine: 1) wit
h 144 e-mails. (average 5.6/case) were submitted to the conference. The ave
rage period of discussion was 15.6 days. The number of attached images was
1 to 9 (average, 4.2/e-mails). JPEG compression rate was 1/10 to 1/20. The
quality of the images was good enough for discussion. Some cases required a
dditional images for further discussion. Conclusion: Our tele-nuclear medic
ine conference with an electronic mailing list and digital camera was simpl
e and low-cost. The conference system was useful for education and clinical