We consider internal travelling waves in a perfect stratified fluid, in the
singular limit case when smooth stratifications approach a discontinuous t
wo-layer profile. Our analysis concerns two-dimensional waves of small ampl
itude, propagating in an infinite horizontal strip of finite depth. The pro
blems with smooth or discontinuous stratification are formulated as a unify
ing spatial evolution problem, where the stratification rho plays the role
of a functional parameter. The vector field is not smooth with respect to r
ho, but has some weak continuity. When the Froude number is close to a crit
ical value, we reduce the problem to one on a center manifold in a neighbor
hood of the trivial state independent of rho (for the usual topology). Cons
idering a weaker topology, we prove the continuity in rho of the center man
ifold. Then the small solutions are described by an ordinary differential e
quation in R-2, which depends continuously on rho in the C-k norm.