For distributed shared memory multiprocessors, the choice and the design of
interconnection networks have a significant impact, on their performance.
Bidirectional ring networks are considered to be physically fast due to the
ir simple structure, but topologically slow since their communication laten
cy grows proportionally to the number of nodes. In this paper, we will pres
ent a quantitative measure to the question of how physically fast a bidirec
tional ring has to be to overcome its topologically slow communication late
ncy by comparing it to the crossbar, an interconnection network that has op
posite characteristics to the ring network.
A hybrid method, in which workload parameters extracted from memory traces
are given to an analytical model is used for performance evaluation. Our st
udy shows for 16 nodes configuration, the performance of two networks are s
imilar. For 32 and 64 nodes configurations, the bidirectional ring outperfo
rms the crossbar by 21% and 61% respectively, on the average of four parall
el applications. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.