Gr. Shaver et al., Species composition interacts with fertilizer to control long-term change in tundra productivity, ECOLOGY, 82(11), 2001, pp. 3163-3181
Fifteen years of N and P fertilizer addition to an Alaskan moist tundra inc
reased aboveground biomass and primary production by 2.5 times. Species com
position of the fertilized vegetation also changed dramatically, from a mix
of graminoid, evergreen, deciduous, and moss species to strong dominance b
y a single, deciduous shrub species, Betula nana. Analysis of these simulta
neous changes allows insights into the interactions between changes in reso
urce availability and changes in species composition in regulating vegetati
on biomass, production, and element use.
By the 15th year (1995), both new leaf production and total leaf mass were
lower in fertilized than in control plots, although leaf area in fertilized
plots was twice that of controls. This occurred because Betula produced th
inner leaves than other species, with a high specific leaf area (SLA, leaf
area per unit leaf mass). Woody stem mass also increased dramatically in fe
rtilized plots, with secondary growth accounting for over half of abovegrou
nd net primary production, NPP. The large increase in wood production was m
ade possible, in part, by the low cost of production of Betula's thin leave
s, allowing greater allocation to secondary growth. Wood also had lower N c
oncentrations than leaves, allowing large accumulations of wood at low N co
st. Overall, aboveground N concentration in Betula did not change in fertil
ized relative to control plots, because its low-N wood mass increased more
than its high-N leaf mass (with high SLA). Because Betula was so strongly d
ominant an the fertilized plots and was better able to dilute its greater N
supply with new growth, community production and biomass in fertilized plo
ts were higher, and N concentration was lower, than would have been the cas
e if species composition had not changed.
Aboveground biomass and leaf area of individual species and functional type
s were predicted accurately by regression against the number of hits per po
int-frame pin across the full range of data, including both treatments. Cha
nges in overall canopy structure and leaf display due to fertilization were
thus due mainly to changes in species composition, with no detectable effe
ct of treatment on size/structure relationships within species or functiona
l types.