Basal body duplication in the green alga Spermatozopsis similis was reinves
tigated using GT335, an antibody binding to polyglutamylated tubulins, and
antibodies directed to p210, a component of the flagellar transition region
which represents the distal border of the basal body. p210 was also detect
ed in small spots at the base of each basal body which increased in size pr
ior to mitosis. The presence of p210 on one of the microtubular flagellar r
oots suggested a transport of basal body material along these tracks. Immun
ogold electron microscopy confirmed the presence of p210 in the probasal bo
dies. Further, small probasal bodies are apparently connected to the mature
basal bodies by centrin fibers as observed after artificially induced basa
l body separation in Xenopus egg extract. While basal bodies grew, most of
the p210 remained at the tip of elongating basal bodies, but two or four ad
ditional spots were observed in distinct patterns near the base of the basa
l bodies. In cytokinesis, basal body pairs separated and p210 was observed
in a strong signal at the tip and a weaker one in the vicinity of the proxi
mal end of each basal body. We interpret the data as indicating that a new
p210-containing structure forms near the proximal end of the basal bodies d
uring basal body elongation, representing the precursor of the next generat
ion of basal bodies. Thus, basal bodies appear to seed the succeeding gener
ation already during their own development, a mechanism which could ensure
the correct number and position of basal bodies.