The fatigue behaviour of the laminated thermosetting Fiberdux 6376-HTA comp
osite material is studied experimentally for both constant and variable amp
litude stress reversal loading. The fatigue-induced material degradation is
correlated to nondestructive evaluation data obtained from C-scan graphs t
hrough the concept of the damage severity factor (DSF). The DSF is able to
account for the varying severity of damage at the different specimen locati
ons and is used to quantify the fatigue-induced damage. The concept of the
DSF, introduced earlier by the authors for constant amplitude fatigue loadi
ng of thermoplastic fibrous composites, is applied to characterize fatigue
damage of thermosetting fibrous composites and is extended to account for v
ariable amplitude loading. Constant amplitude fatigue tests at various stre
ss levels were performed to correlate fatigue damage to the change of mecha
nical properties, such as axial stiffness, residual tensile strength and in
terlaminar shear strength, and to develop expressions to relate DSF to the
degradation of the mechanical properties with increasing fatigue damage. Co
rrelation between DSF evolution and consumed fatigue life is made and fatig
ue damage functions involving stress amplitude dependency are formulated. T
hese expressions together with a modified rainflow method are then used to
assess fatigue life under variable amplitude fatigue loading; computed fati
gue lives are compared against experimental results.