Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was studied to detect genetic marke
rs three economically important Japanese laminarian species, Laminaria japo
nica-Areschoug, L. religiosa Miyabe and L. ochotensis Miyabe, which were sa
mpled from their representative localities on the coasts from Tsugaru Strai
ts to the Sea of Japan. DNA templates for RAPD were extracted from lamina u
sing a DNA extraction kit and were purified with glassmilk. Reproducible RA
PD markers for these three species were detected using three random primers
from a total of 15 tested. In L. japonica and L. religiosa, these RAPD mar
kers were confirmed to be useful for populations from other localities. The
three species studied showed high intraspecific and interspecific band sha
ring index (BSI) values. Like annual typical L. religiosa from other locali
ties, biennial individuals identified as putative L. religiosa from Atsuta
could be discriminated from L. japonica but not from L. ochotensis by any o
f the RAPD genetic markers studied so far.