Gastrointestinal complaints rank among the most frequently reasons why peop
le asking for medical advice. About 15-30% of the adult patients suffer fro
m different various functional dyspeptic conditions. The therapy of functio
nal gastrointestinal disorders is one of the domains of phytotherapeutic tr
eatments. From ancient times on, bitter herbal drugs played a very importan
t role in the therapy of patients with dyspeptic symptoms. The mechanisms o
f action of the bitters are not completely understood. But there are indica
tions that they sensorially stimulate at even very small concentrations sen
sorially the secretion of the stomach as well as the digestive glands and s
trengthen the smooth musculature of the digestive tract (via the gustatory
system, N. vagus and the enteric nervous system). Across the enteral nervou
s system the strengthened digestive tract seems to stimulate the CNS, leadi
ng to a general tonification. At higher dosages bitters probably directly a
ffect the mucous membranes of the stomach and the bowel. Bitters often are
combined with essential oils (some volatile oils as aromatic bitters, drug
combinations of a volatile oil with a bitter). Essential oils act primarily
as spasmolytics, carminatives and local anesthetics. In the last years sev
eral controlled studies were carried out with phytotherapeutic combinations
(e.g. with lberis amara, caraway oil, peppermint oil, curcuma extract, gin
ger extract) in which the herbal drugs proved to be superior compared to pl
acebo and were as effective as prokinetics (studies according to evidence-b
ased medicine), The traditional phytotherapeutic approach is based upon the
illness- as well as the patient-related investigations referring to the ef
fectiveness of bitter, acrid- and essential-oil drugs. Such a treatment is
supported by a rich amount of various of kinds of individual empirical expe
rience (experience-based phytotherapy). Important traditional medical syste
ms like the Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Ayurvedic Medicine as well as
the European 'Humoral Medicine' consider different aspects of the sick hum
ane being, like the constitution of the patient (holistic approach), and ta
ke qualities of herbal drugs, vegetarian food, and spices into account for
therapeutic purposes.