Submarine ground water discharge can influence significantly the near-shore
transport and flux of chemicals into the oceans. Quantification of the sou
rces and rates of such discharge requires a ground water seepage meter that
provides continuous measurements at high resolution over an extended perio
d of time. An ultrasonic flowmeter has been adapted for such measurements i
n the submarine environment. Connected to a steel collection funnel, the me
ter houses two piezoelectric transducers mounted at opposite ends of a cyli
ndrical flow tube. By monitoring the perturbations of fluid flow on the pro
pagation of sound waves inside the flow tube, the ultrasonic meter can meas
ure both forward and reverse fluid flows in real time. Laboratory and field
calibrations show that the ultrasonic meter can resolve ground water disch
arges on the order of 0.1 mum/sec, and it is sufficiently robust for deploy
ment in the field for several days. Data from West Neck Bay, Shelter Island
, New York, elucidate the temporal and spatial heterogeneity of submarine g
round water discharge and its interplay with tidal loading. A negative corr
elation between the discharge and tidal elevation was generally observed. A
methodology was also developed whereby data for the sound velocity as a fu
nction of temperature can be used to infer the salinity and source of the s
ubmarine discharge. Independent measurements of electrical conductance were
performed to validate this methodology.