New developments in ion cooling and ion bunching allow the trapping of radi
oactive ions from a low energy beam, in a very short time scale and with ve
ry good efficiency. The performances of Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) co
olers, recently developed in several laboratories in Europe and USA, are no
w better known. In the present study, a RFQ device will be used to inject H
e-6(+) ions in a transparent Paul trap. The ion beam will be delivered by t
he SPIRAL facility at GANIL. The careful measurement of the beta -recoil io
n coincidence spectrum is sensitive to the angular correlation parameter a,
which depends on the coupling constants of the weak hamiltonian. It should
be equal to -1/3 if the interaction is only of axial vector type (V-A theo
ry). Deviation from this value would imply a new tensor-like interaction in
volving a new exchange boson thus introducing new physics beyond the Standa
rd Model.