Our telecomputing laboratory is a multiuse state-of-the-art undergraduate t
eaching facility designed to be both flexible and powerful. The controlled
workstation and computer communications facilities allow undergraduate stud
ents an opportunity to apply and integrate classroom knowledge in communica
tions, signal processing, computer architecture, and algorithm and software
development via a set of practical experiments. Students are exposed to st
ate-of-the-art computer communications systems, on which they can implement
everything from modern digital communication and signal processing algorit
hms to parallel algorithms and real-time databases. State-of-the-art comput
er software provides the undergraduate students modern models of quality so
ftware, as well as the tools necessary to design and build sophisticated so
ftware/hardware systems. This laboratory significantly impacts many undergr
aduate students who will take positions with organizations in the telecommu
nications/computer industry, where the skills gained from laboratory experi
ences will be greatly valued.