There are a multitude of endocrine abnormalities in human obesity In t
his review, those of steroid hormones, growth hormone (GH), end insuli
n are considered, Characteristic of all these abnormalities is that th
ey are more pronounced in obesity with central visceral preponderance
than with peripheral gluteofemoral enlargement of adipose tissue depot
s, Cortisol secretion is frequently increased as a result of a hyperse
nsitive hypothalamopituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, This may also be foll
owed by increased adrenal androgen secretion in women, The HPA axis di
sturbance might be due to excess traffic over the axis and/or a downre
gulation of the feedback inhibition by central glucocorticoid receptor
s, with or without a genetic susceptibility, Probably secondarily the
hypothalamopituitary-gonadal and GH axes are inhibited, The net result
is increased cortisol, and, in women, androgen secretions, and inhibi
ted gender-specific sex steroid hormones as well as GH, These hormonal
abnormalities; in concert with elevated free fatty acid concentration
s, probably contribute significantly to peripheral insulin resistance,
Cortisol and insulin facilitate triglyceride accumulation, whereas se
x steroids and GH both inhibit triglyceride accumulation as well as ac
tivate lipid mobilization pathways The endocrine abnormalities in cent
ral, visceral obesity therefore seem to create a milieu for Lipid accu
mulation in adipose tissue in general, This is probably more pronounce
d in visceral than in other adipose tissue depots because of the highe
r density of active cytoplasmic mass, elevated blood flow, and dense i
nnervation as well as the higher density of specific steroid hormone r
eceptors; Therefore, excess triglycerides probably tend to accumulate
preferentially in visceral adipose tissue because of the combined endo
crine abnormalities in central, visceral obesity. This conclusion is b
ased on consistent data regarding cellular and molecular levels from i
a Five studies of lipid uptake and mobilization in humans, as,yell. as
from clinical and intervention studies with in vitro measurements of
metabolic pathways and the net effects on visceral adipose tissue mass
, The effect of steroid hormones in women remains nuclear.