Myxococcus xanthus is a gram-negative soil bacterium that undergoes develop
ment under starvation conditions. Our previous study identified a new genet
ic locus, mrp, which is required for both; fruiting body formation and spor
ulation. The locus encodes two transcripts:, mrpAB, which consists of a his
tidine kinase and an NtrC-like response regulator, and mrpC, a cyclic AMP r
eceptor protein family transcription activator. In this study, we used gene
tic and biochemical analyses to investigate the possible interactions betwe
en the mrp genes and other known developmental genes and events. These, stu
dies, show that the mrp genes possibly function after A-signaling and (p)pp
Gpp but before C-signaling and that they regulate various early and late de
velopmental genes and events.