Individual rosyside dace Clinostomus funduloides in a semi-natural, artific
ial stream displayed substantial differences in their aggressiveness and co
uld be classified as: (1) non-aggressive (NA, 18 of 30 rosyside dace), (2)
moderately aggressive (MA, 9 of 30) and (3) highly aggressive (I IA, 3 of 3
0). Rosyside dace groups, however, did not exhibit linear dominance hierarc
hies and fish size was only weakly correlated with the number of aggressive
acts performed per individual. Small rosyside dace (< 56 mm L-p) were alwa
ys non-aggressive, but larger fish were present in all three aggression cla
sses. The difference in size between the contestants was significantly, alt
hough not very strongly, correlated with the probability of winning an agon
istic interaction (r(2)=0.39). Aggressive rosyside dace may have ultimately
gained higher fitness than less aggressive ones. HA individuals occupied t
he upstream-most position within foraging groups significantly more often t
han other rosyside dace. This location should be the most profitable one be
cause its occupant will be the first to encounter prey. IIA rosyside dace a
lso occupied significantly higher focal velocities that were closer to ener
getic optima than MA and NA ones. They also had greater foraging rates and
were less solitary than less aggressive fish, but these differences only we
re significant at the P=0.066 and P=0.081 level, respectively. Finally, IIA
fish performed significantly more aggressive acts and feedings backwards t
han other individuals. Despite these differences, the effects of intraspeci
fic aggression in rosyside dace appeared less substantial than those that h
ave been observed in stream salmonids. (C) 2001 The Fisheries Society of th
e British Isles.