An unambiguous determination of the wave modes observed in plasma turbulenc
e requires the determination of the dispersion characteristics of the wave.
The method adopted for the determination of the wave dispersion relation i
s based upon the study of the phase difference of the waves at two closely
separated spacecraft [Balikhin and Gedalin, 1993]. It is applied to observa
tions of waves in the magnetosheath magnetic field made by AMPTE UKS and AM
PTE IRM, We show that the observed waves are propagating in the sunward dir
ection but are convected toward the magnetopause by the plasma, flow. As a
result, the observed waves are quasi-standing in the flow. These waves have
been previously identified as either slow or mirror modes depending the pr
ocedure adopted for their analysis. They may also be an experimental observ
ation of the mirror and slow (MIAOW) waves identified near the magnetopause
boundary in the hybrid simulations of Omidi and Winske[1995]. The observed
waves possess short wavelengths (A) such that R-Bi/gimel approximate to 1
(where R-Bi is the ion Larmor radius). Thus they may only be studied analyt
ically within the framework of the kinetic approximation. Both the nonlinea
r amplitudes and possibly the strong underlying inhomogeneity are responsib
le for the significant differences between the properties of the observed m
odes and those resulting from linear homogeneous kinetic theory.