We present six data examples where we infer erosion of the dayside magnetos
phere during intervals of very tenuous solar wind (density < 1 cm(-3)). The
interplanetary observations were made by the Wind spacecraft when the aver
age solar wind dynamic pressure P-dyn and the interplanetary magnetic field
(IMF) B-z were in the ranges (0.07, 0.62) nPa and (-7.6, -0.9) nT. respect
ively. The inner magnetospheric signature of erosion we focus on is a decre
ase in the strength of the geostationary magnetic field, as monitored by NO
AA's GOES spacecraft. We obtain this decrease as a function of IMF Bz by co
mparing each event with a reference day, May 11, 1999. During the reference
day the lowest P-dyn of the set was attained (0.07 nPa), IMF B-z > 0, and
the geomagnetic field at geostationary orbit was dipolar. The central point
we make is that although compared to the reference day the P-dyn in each e
vent is higher, the strength of the geostationary field is weaker. We inter
pret this as evidence that the field compression due to P-dyn has been over
come by the field depression due to erosion. Correcting empirically for the
compression of the geostationary field due to solar wind dynamic pressure,
we find that for the tenuous solar winds we consider the decrease of the g
eostationary field, DeltaB(GS), is related to IMF B-z as DeltaB(GS) (nT)= -
2.8 + 2.3 B-z (nT).