We describe the application of a conditioning scheme to a linear integrated
flight and propulsion control system for an experimental vertical/short ta
keoff and landing aircraft configuration in the transition (approach to hov
er) region of the flight envelope is presented. The proposed scheme guarant
ees satisfaction of limits on safety critical engine variables by using out
put conditioning to back off pilot demands in the event of a limit being en
countered. Bounded-input/bounded-output stability results are presented for
the resulting closed-loop system. At the plant input, an actuator lineariz
ation scheme is designed to minimize performance degradation due to backlas
h dynamics in the aircraft's thrust vectoring nozzles. The conditioning sch
eme also provides a mechanism for explicitly prioritizing requirements on f
light-path angle over velocity in the case of engine performance limitation
s being reached. Performance and safety improvements due to the addition of
the controller conditioning scheme are demonstrated in nonlinear simulatio