Via their integration of the intermediate filament cytoskeleton into the ce
ll membrane, desmosomes facilitate the maintenance of cell shape and tissue
integrity as well as intercellular communication. The transmembrane compon
ents of the desmosome, the desmogleins and desmocollins, are members of the
cadherin family of cell-cell adhesion molecules. Each of these proteins ex
ists as three distinct isoforms, which are the products of individual genes
and expressed in a cell-type and differentiation-specific manner. Previous
work has suggested that desmoglein 1 binds to its catenin partner, plakogl
obin, in an approximately 6:1 stoichiometry. In this study, the molecular o
rganization of complexes formed by plakoglobin and desmoglein 1, 2, or 3 ar
e further examined through immunoprecipitation, size exclusion chromatograp
hy and sucrose density sedimentation analysis. It is shown that the complex
formed between plakoglobin and desmoglein 1 has an overall molecular weigh
t greater than that of plakoglobin/desmoglein 2 or plakoglobin/desmoglein 3
; however, the stoichiometry of the plakoglobin/desmoglein I complex does n
ot appear to exceed 2:1.