Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis is a dominantly inherited ichthyosis, frequent
ly associated with mutations in keratin 1 or 10 that result in disruption o
f the keratin filament cytoskeleton leading to keratinocyte fragility. In a
ddition to blistering and a severe disorder of cornification, patients typi
cally display an abnormality in permeability barrier function. The nature a
nd pathogenesis of the barrier abnormality in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
are unknown, however. We assessed here, first, baseline transepidermal wate
r loss and barrier recovery kinetics in patients with epidermolytic hyperke
ratosis. Whereas baseline transepidermal water loss rates were elevated by
approximately 3-fold, recovery rates were faster in epidermolytic hyperkera
tosis than in age-matched controls. Electron microscopy showed no defect in
either the cornified envelope or the adjacent cornified-bound lipid envelo
pe, i.e., a corneocyte scaffold abnormality does not explain the barrier ab
normality. Using the water-soluble tracer, colloidal lanthanum, there was n
o evidence of tracer accumulation in corneocytes, despite the fragility of
nucleated keratinocytes. Instead, tracer, which was excluded in normal skin
, moved through the extracellular stratum corneum domains. Increasing inter
cellular permeability correlated with decreased quantities and defective or
ganization of extracellular lamellar bilayers. The decreased lamellar mater
ial, in turn, could be attributed to incompletely secreted lamellar bodies
within granular cells, demonstrable not only by several morphologic finding
s, but also by decreased delivery of a lamellar body content marker, acid l
ipase, to the stratum corneum interstices. Yet, after acute barrier disrupt
ion a rapid release of preformed lamellar body contents was observed togeth
er with increased organelle contents in the extracellular spaces, accountin
g for the accelerated recovery kinetics in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. Ac
celerated recovery, in turn, correlated with a restoration in calcium in ou
ter stratum granulosum cells in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis after barrier
disruption. Thus, the baseline permeability barrier abnormality in epidermo
lytic hyperkeratosis can be attributed to abnormal lamellar body secretion,
rather than to corneocyte fragility or an abnormal cornified envelope/corn
ified-bound lipid envelope scaffold, a defect that can be overcome by exter
nal applications of stimuli for barrier repair.