The contamination of shallow aquifers by elevated nitrate concentratio
ns is a common problem in many rural regions of the world. Aquifers un
der irrigated land are especially susceptible to this type of contamin
ation. An intensive three-dimensional investigation of water chemistry
was undertaken in a shallow unconfined sand aquifer in an area of int
ensive irrigation in Mason County, Illinois, in order to investigate p
rocesses affecting water quality. Results reveal considerable heteroge
neity in the aqueous chemistry in three spatial dimensions and tempora
lly. Recharge is rapid in this system and the water chemistry of the r
echarge water is variable both spatially and temporally, being especia
lly influenced by agricultural practices. Nitrate concentrations are e
levated in a zone between about 6 and 10 m beneath the surface, althou
gh in certain areas and at certain times this zone was not found. The
maximum nitrate concentrations in this zone were slightly greater than
20 mg 1(-1) as N, well. above the US Environmental Protection Agency'
s maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 ms 1(-1). Nitrate was generall
y absent both above and below this depth in the aquifer. Water relativ
ely depleted in nitrate recharges the aquifer from the surface at the
site, producing a zone of dilute water near tile water table. Beneath
the plume. denitrification reactions are responsible for removing nitr
ate from solution. probably mainly coupled to oxidation of sulfide min
erals; tritium data suggest that vertical movement of solutes is rapid
and thus there has been enough time to transport surface-applied fert
ilizer to depths in excess of 30 m in the aquifer. This rapid vertical
movement is almost certainly enhanced by intensive irrigation in the
county. A number of aqueous species and chemical parameters (Ca, Mg, S
r, Fe, Si, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIG), dissolved oxygen, total d
issolved solids. and pH) are correlated with nitrate concentrations, p
rimarily because, like nitrate, they are either a significant fraction
of fertilizers of are redox-sensitive. Drinking water quality is gene
rally not degraded by fertilizer applications in this area, because al
most all drinking-water wells are screened well below the zone of elev
ated nitrate concentrations.