Single-crystal layers of 0.65Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3.0.35PbTiO(3) (PMN-35PT) were
grown heteroepitaxially on {001}-BaTiO3 template crystals. A {001}-BaTiO3
crystal was embedded in a fine-grained matrix of PMN-35PT containing excess
PbO and heated between 950 degrees and 1150 degreesC for 0-5 h. The initia
l growth of the PMN-35PT on the (001) surface and the growth of the matrix
grains both displayed a t(1/3) dependence which is characteristic of diffus
ion-controlled growth. Growth was limited to similar to 100-150 mum due to
the significantly reduced driving force at longer times because of matrix c
oarsening and porosity evolution.