Purpose: The extended outcome after kidney donation has been a particular c
oncern ever since the recognition of hyperfiltration injury. Few published
reports have examined donor renal outcome after 20 years or greater. Kidney
transplantation has been performed at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation sinc
e 1963, at which there is extensive experience with live donor transplantat
ion. We assess the impact of donor nephrectomy on renal function, urinary p
rotein excretion and development of hypertension postoperatively to examine
whether renal deterioration occurs with followup after 20 years or greater
Materials and Methods: From 1963 to 1975, 180 live donor nephrectomies were
performed at the Cleveland Clinic. We attempted to contact all patients to
request participation in our study. Those 70 patients who agreed to partic
ipate in the study were mailed a package containing a 24-hour urine contain
er (for assessment of creatinine, and total protein and albumin;), a vial f
or blood collection (for assessment of serum creatinine) and a medical ques
tionnaire. All specimens were returned to and processed by the Cleveland Cl
inic medical laboratories. Blood pressure was taken and recorded by a local
physician. A 24-hour creatinine clearance and the Cockcroft-Gault formula
were used to estimate renal function, and values were compared with an age
adjusted glomerular filtration rate for a solitary kidney.
Results: Mean patient followup was 25;years. The 24-hour urinary creatinine
clearance decreased to 72% of the value before donation. For the entire st
udy cohort serum creatinine and systolic blood pressure after donation were
significantly increased compared with values before, although still in the
normal range. The overall incidence of hypertension was comparable to that
expected in the age matched general population. There was no gender or age
difference (younger or older than 50 years) for 24-hour urinary creatinine
clearance, or change in serum creatinine before or after donation. Urinary
protein and albumin excretion after donation was significantly higher in m
ales compared with females. There were 13 (19%) subjects who had a 24-hour
urinary protein excretion that was greater than 0.15 gm./24 hours, 5 (7%) o
f whom had greater than 0.8. No gender difference was noted in blood pressu
re, and there were no significant changes in diastolic pressure based on ge
nder or age.
Conclusions: Overall, renal function is well preserved with a mean followup
of 25 years after donor nephrectomy. Males had significantly higher protei
n and albumin excretion than females but no other clinically significant di
fferences in renal function, blood pressure or proteinuria were noted betwe
en them or at age of donation. Proteinuria increases with marginal signific
ance but appears to be of no clinical consequence in most patients. Patient
s with mild or borderline proteinuria before donation may represent a subgr
oup at particular risk for the development of significant proteinuria 20 ye
ars or greater after donation. The overall incidence of proteinuria in our
study is in the range of previously reported values after donor nephrectomy