This study investigated the high cycle fatigue (HCF) behavior of a titanium
alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, after being subjected to simulated foreign object damage
(FOD). For this purpose, rectangular specimens were damaged to various dep
ths by steel indenters of different diameters under quasi-static loading to
simulate damage found in turbine engine airfoils during service. The fatig
ue strength of these specimens for 10(7) cycles was measured. Finite elemen
t analysis was used to compute the deformation and stress state created by
the simulated FOD and to explain the relationship between damage and fatigu
e strength. The examination of damage mechanisms on the fracture surface ne
ar FOD showed a region of either macro bands (in the X-shape) of intense pl
asticity (i.e. intensely deformed material) having strain levels of 15-20%,
shear bands, or shear stress-induced cracks depending upon the indentation
depth and indenter diameter. The depth from the specimen edge up to the ce
nter of these X-shaped macro bands on the fracture surface had a simple emp
irical relationship with the reduction in fatigue strength. The residual st
resses, introduced from the FOD, caused the effective stress ratio or mean
stress in the vicinity of FOD to be different than that applied to the spec
imen. These modified stress states provided the explanation for reduction i
n the fatigue strength of the material with FOD. Published by Elsevier Scie
nce Ltd.