Responses to low temperature, mechanical wounding and salicylic acid (SA) t
reatments were studied in 3-week-old (young) and 6-week-old (senescent) Ara
bidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants by analyzing increases in Pal1 and Pr1
expression and superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC and peroxidase (POX
; EC activities. Young plants showed higher Pal1 transcript accum
ulation after low temperature and wounding. In contrast, senescent plants p
resented higher accumulation of Pr1 transcripts after SA treatments. Simila
r results were obtained with the ethylene-insensitive etr1 mutant, suggesti
ng that these differences are not related to increased ethylene content in
senescent tissues. SOD activity and inducibility were lower, whereas POX ac
tivity and inducibility were higher in senescent plants. A possible relatio
nship between senescence-associated changes in responses to stress and in t
he metabolism of active oxygen species is discussed.