The authors report two cases of papillomatous squamous carcinoma of the bla
dder unrelated to schistosomiasis. Both patients were treated by endoscopic
resection. The staging assessment comprised thoraco-abdominopelvic compute
d tomography. A papillomatous squamous carcinoma of the bladder was detecte
d in both cases: one was classified as pT2 G1 N0 M0 and the other as pT1 G1
N0 M0. Recurrence was rapidly observed, at the first follow-up cystoscopy.
The tumour initially classified as pT1 subsequently underwent transformati
on to sarcomatoid carcinoma with peritoneal metastases.
Papillomatous squamous carcinoma of the bladder, a rare squamous cell carci
noma, is a well differentiated tumour with an exclusively local and regiona
l development. The prognosis is determined by the degree of tumour invasion
, with a high local recurrence rate. The prognosis of invasive tumours is i
dentical to that of conventional squamous cell carcinoma.
Therapeutic management is poorly defined, but the only curative treatment a
ppears to be radical cystectomy.