In studying the physical processes involved in the generation of seismic wa
ves by explosions, it is important to understand what happens in the region
of high stresses immediately surrounding the explosion. This paper examine
s one of the processes that takes place in this region, the growth of pre-e
xisting cracks, which is described quantitatively as an increase in rock da
mage. An equivalent elastic method is used to approximate the stress field
surrounding the explosion and a micromechanical model of damage is used to
calculate the increase in damage. Simulations for a I kt explosion reveal t
hat the region of increased damage can be quite large, up to ten times the
cavity radius. The damage is initiated on a damage front that propagates ou
tward behind the explosive stress wave with a velocity intermediate between
that of P and S waves. Calculations suggest that the amount of increased d
amage is controlled primarily by the initial damage and the extent of the r
egion of increased damage is controlled primarily by the initial crack radi
us. The motions that occur on individual cracks when damage increases are c
onverted to seismic moment tensors; which are then used to calculate second
ary elastic waves which radiate into the far field. It is found that, while
the contribution from an individual crack is small, the combined effect of
many cracks in a large region of increased damage can generate secondary w
aves that are comparable in amplitude to the primary waves generated by the
explosion. Provided that there is asymmetry in the damage pattern, this pr
ocess is quite effective in generating S waves, thus providing a quantitati
ve explanation of how S waves can be generated by an explosion. Two types o
f asymmetry are investigated, a shear pre-stress and a preferred orientatio
n of cracks, and it is found that both produce similar effects.