Arenaviruses, such as Lassa fever, establish chronic infections in rodents,
leading to incidental transmission to humans. Lassa fever is a clinically
severe disease, yet the absence of second attacks implies life-long immunit
y. The aim of this review is to consider whether such immunity could be pro
vided by vaccines. The South American arenaviruses are controlled by neutra
lising antibody and a clinical trial of live, attenuated vaccine for Argent
inian haemorrhagic fever provided 84%. protection. In contrast, there is no
evidence for protective humoral immunity against Old World arenaviruses wh
ich are controlled by cell-mediated immune responses. Nevertheless, vaccina
tion with Lassa glycoproteins can protect monkeys from disease, implying th
at protection may be achievable, even though the immunological mechanisms a
re distinct. Recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing various forms of Lassa
glycoproteins can protect both guinea-pigs and primates, while additional
protective responses can be mounted against nucleocapsid genes. However, va
ccines based upon vaccinia constructs are no longer tenable for African pop
ulations with a high seroprevalence of HIV infection. The scientific challe
nge now remains to find alternative methods of delivering T-cell immunity a
gainst glycoproteins from Lassa virus in ways which can overcome the local
economic and political hurdles to vaccine development. Copyright (C) 2001 J
ohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.