Autopsy specimens from the historic cat experiment were recently discovered
in a storage area at the Kumamoto University School of Medicine. The speci
mens were from an experiment prompted by physicians in the Chisso Minamata
Plant following the announcement made by the Study Group for Minamata disea
se. On July 14, 1959 the Group announced that the disease was most likely c
aused by a kind of organic mercury. In order to prove or disprove that indu
strial waste from the Chisso Factory was the culprit in Minamata disease, a
total of ten cats were fed food mixed with industrial waste produced in th
e acetaldehyde-producing plant. One of the ten cats, No. 717, was subsequen
tly autopsied but the autopsy findings have never been published or recorde
d in the literature despite their historic significance. The rediscovered s
pecimens were studied pathologically and biochemically, and were analyzed c
hemically with currently available techniques. Characteristic lesions of me
thylmercury poisoning were observed in the central nervous system, and the
mercury levels in the cerebrum, cerebellum, liver and kidney were found to
be markedly elevated in this animal.