We explore the morphological and dynamical evolution of galaxy clusters in
simulations using scalar and vector-valued Minkowski valuations and the con
cept of fundamental plane relations. In this context, three questions are o
f fundamental interest: 1. How does the average cluster morphology depend o
n the cosmological background model? 2. Is it possible to discriminate betw
een different cosmological models using cluster substructure in a statistic
ally significant way? 3. How is the dynamical state of a cluster, especiall
y its distance from a virial equilibrium, correlated to its visual substruc
ture? To answer these questions, we quantify cluster substructure using a s
et of morphological order parameters constructed on the basis of the Minkow
ski valuations (MVs). The dynamical state of a cluster is described using g
lobal cluster parameters: in certain spaces of such parameters fundamental
band-like structures are forming indicating the emergence of a virial equil
ibrium. We find that the average distances from these fundamental structure
s are correlated to the average amount of cluster substructure for our clus
ter samples during the time evolution. Furthermore, significant differences
show up between the high- and the low-Omega (m) models. We pay special att
ention to the redshift evolution of morphological characteristics and find
large differences between the cosmological models even for higher redshifts