The suggestions from the author's group over the past 25 years for how step
s in catalysis by ATP synthase occur are reviewed. Whether rapid ATP hydrol
ysis requires the binding of ATP to a second site (bi-site activation) or t
o a second and third site (tri-site activation) is considered. Present evid
ence is regarded as strongly favoring bi-site activation. Presence of nucle
otides at three sites during rapid ATP hydrolysis can be largely accounted
for by the retention of ADP formed and/or by the rebinding of ADP formed. M
enz, Leslie and Walker ((2001) FEBS Lett., 494, 11-14) recently attained ai
l X-ray structure of a partially closed enzyme form that binds ADP better t
han ATP. This accomplishment and other considerations form the base for a r
evised reaction sequence. Three types of catalytic sites are Suggested, sim
ilar to those proposed before the X-ray data became available. During net A
TP synthesis a partially closed site readily binds ADP and Pi but not ATP.
At a closed site, tightly bound ADP and Pi are reversibly converted to tigh
tly bound ATP. ATP is released from a partially closed site that can readil
y bind ATP or ADP, ATP hydrolysis when protonmotive force is low or lacking
occurs simply by reversal of all steps with the opposite rotation of the g
amma subunit. Each type of site can exist in various conformations or forms
as they are interconverted during a 120 degrees rotation. The conformation
al changes with the ATP synthase, including the vital change when bound ADP
and P-i are converted to bound ATP, are correlated with those that occur i
n enzyme catalysis in general, as illustrated by recent Studies of Rose wit
h fumarase. The beta (E) structure of Walker's group is regarded as all unl
ikely, or only quite transient, intermediate. Other X-ray structures are re
garded as closely resembling but not identical with certain forms participa
ting in catalysis. Correlation of the suggested reaction scheme with other
present information is considered.