Analyses of a sediment core from the Great Belt documented the local presen
ce of fluvial deposits. The sediments consisted of silt, clay, sand and org
anic detritus and they contained macroscopical remains of a mixture of terr
estrial, telmatic, lacustrine and fluvial plants and animals. Most notewort
hy was the abundance of remains of caddisfly larvae, totalling at least 24
species, which were dominated by fluvial species. Thus, filter-feeding hydr
opsychids made up approximately 95% out of 1496 identified specimens, the d
ominating species being Hydropsyche contubernalis and H. pellucidula. The p
resent-day requirements of the recorded species point to a fairly fast-flow
ing river, at least locally, with areas of stones (some with moss growth) a
nd gravel, but also to more slowly-flowing parts with sand, fine and coarse
detritus. This river may have been considerably larger than any present-da
y Danish river. It appears that the fluvial deposits formed locally in conn
ection with flooding of the area south of the care position. AMIS radiocarb
on dating shows that the sequence was deposited very rapidly during the ear
ly Holocene, about 10650 to 10250 cal. years BP. The occurrence of the lent
ic Leptocerus tineiformis points to a climate at least as warm as today.