Photochemotherapy is very effective for the treatment of skin diseases such
as psoriasis, as well as for the prophylactic 'hardening' therapy of patie
nts suffering from polymorphic, light eruption. The photosensitizers most w
idely used for oral photochemotherapy are the furocoumarins 8-methoxypsoral
en and 5-methoxypsoralen. Beside light-induced phototoxic reactions due to
the photosensitizing activity of psoralens, side-effects after the oral int
ake of psoralens are nausea and vomiting, headaches, anxiety and sleeplessn
ess. We report a rare case of anaphylaxis. to 5-methoxypsoralen that develo
ped during prophylactic 'hardening' therapy in a 36-year-old woman sufferin
g from polymorphic light eruption. Anaphylaxis to 5-methoxypsoralen was est
ablished by placebo-controlled oral provocation tests.