The Doppler Wind Experiment on the Galileo probe provided the first in
situ data on wind speeds in Jupiter's atmosphere. Initial analysis(1)
of the results indicated that wind speeds increase with depth, rather
than decaying to zero below the cloud tops or remaining relatively co
nstant as had previously been assumed(2). But this earlier analysis wa
s subject to several potential sources of error, as highlighted by the
fact that wind speeds measured at the cloud tops did not seem to matc
h those inferred from tracking clouds(3) in images obtained by the Voy
ager spacecraft, Here we report new analyses of the probe data that us
e a corrected treatment of the timing errors, adopt the measured(4) (r
ather than predicted) descent trajectory, and incorporate a new calibr
ation of the instrumentation that takes into account the unexpectedly
high temperatures encountered by the probe. We determine wind speeds a
t the cloud tops (700-mbar level) in the range 80-100 m s(-1), in agre
ement with the results of cloud tracking; the speed increases dramatic
ally between 1 and 4 bar, and then remains nearly constant at similar
to 170 m s(-1) down to the 21-bar level. The increase in wind speed im
plies a latitudinal density gradient of 0.5% per degree in the 1-2 bar
altitude range, but whether these winds are driven by internal heat o
r absorbed sunlight remains uncertain.