Lucent Technologies serves a large variety of telecommunications marke
ts and customer needs. Success in such a rapidly changing environment
requires that we quickly and effectively identify market needs and mar
shal our resources to address them. Clearly, a company that better coo
rdinates and focuses its resources to serve customer needs will enjoy
a competitive advantage. Because software development processes provid
e an important mechanism to coordinate project teams and ensure the cu
stomer-perceived value of the delivered product; we must be able to de
velop, deploy and evolve those processes rapidly in step with the chan
ging environment Our experiences with software process engineering ini
tiatives for Lucent projects have shown that such rapid process iterat
ion is possible if an organization has a solid process engineering inf
rastructure. To provide such an infrastructure, the Software Technolog
y Center has developed a set of process engineering tools to support t
he rapid development, deployment and improvement of software processes
. The platform is based on a centralized database organized around a r
elational model of key process concepts. Process engineers create inst
ances of this database and automatically generate different views of t
heir process. The process views are deployed to the members of the pro
ject through the Internet and the World Wide Web.