Before substantial public health benefits associated with use of combinatio
n vaccines can be realized, a variety of challenges must be addressed. In F
ebruary 2000, the National Vaccine Program Office convened the Internationa
l Symposium on Combination Vaccines to explore solutions for barriers to de
velopment, licensure, and use of safe and effective combination vaccines. T
he symposium focused on the following questions: (1) What immunologic stand
ards should be used to evaluate new combination vaccines? (2) How should co
rrelates of protection be developed, and how should the data they provide b
e interpreted? (3) What sample size is adequate for prelicensure safety tri
als of combination vaccines? (4) Should standards for evaluation of combina
tion vaccines containing licensed components be different from standards fo
r evaluation of combinations containing unlicensed components? (5) How can
the "great expectations" of postlicensure surveillance be realized? Availab
le data relevant to these issues were presented, providing a foundation for
furthering the science of combination vaccines.