Palilalia is a speech disorder that is not often reported in the literature
. This paper presents details of a linguistic analysis of the reiterations
of two palilalic patients: a 17-year-old boy with diffuse brain damage subs
equent to a motor vehicle accident and a 56-year-old woman who over time su
ffered two cerebrovascular accidents affecting respectively the left and th
e right hemisphere. The analysis included a determination of the frequency
of occurrence of reiterations in different speech tasks, a determination of
the severity of the reiterations, an analysis of the locus of the reiterat
ions within an utterance, an assessment of the grammatical characteristics
of the words reiterated, a description of the phonological characteristics
of the words reiterated, and an analysis of the types of reiteration demons
trated. Results suggest that palilalia is not a uniform disorder but can ma
nifest in different forms and that the core problem in palilalia is not onl
y a matter of inhibition of speech but also of the initiation and progressi
on of speech.