We have adapted the RadioVisioGraph (RVG), a digital radiography system des
igned for dentistry, to become a versatile research tool in a small researc
h facility. We have used this modified digital imaging system in our instit
ution to assess bone fractures and ossification in rabbit tibias in which t
itanium posts were placed in close proximity to one another, to evaluate bo
ne fill in rats with experimental cranial critical-size defects, and to ens
ure the proper placement of oral gavage tubes in rodents. This method provi
des instantaneous digital radiographs, thus not requiring a dedicated X-ray
suite or film-processing equipment, and reduces scatter radiation by less
than or equal to 95%. The use of this technology in a small research facili
ty has greatly improved the quality of both the care our animals receive an
d the research data we obtain.