Increases in spiny lobster size and abundance have been observed within som
e marine protected areas (MPAs). To date, the potential economic benefits o
f these changes have been assumed to derive from the effects of emigration
of adult lobster to adjacent fishing grounds and/or increased larval export
to downstream nurseries that sustain fisheries. According to economic theo
ry, these effects may provide consumptive (extractive) economic value to th
e fishery but are only part of the total economic value, Non-extractive eco
nomic value resulting from viewing wildlife may also have an important impa
ct on the overall economic viability of some MPAs. This research examined s
cuba diver preferences in the Turks and Caicos Islands using a paired compa
rison conjoint survey and assessed the influence that spiny lobster (Panuli
rus argus) presence had on market share for dive charter packages of varyin
g environmental quality and price. Market simulations showed significant in
creases in market share for dives where spiny lobsters were present, implyi
ng, for the first time, that spiny lobsters have non-extractive economic va
lue. This non-extractive value of spiny lobster may have an important impac
t on the economic viability of some MPAs, especially those in regions like
the Turks and Caicos Islands that are highly dependent on marineoriented na
ture tourism.