A turbidity maximum has been observed in the Kennebec estuary during modera
te and low flow conditions near the upstream limit of salinity intrusion. H
ydrographic, ADCP, and transmissometer data were collected at different riv
er flow levels and seasons during 1995-1998. The location of the tip of the
salt intrusion changes dramatically and during high runoff may be flushed
from the channel of the estuary along with the accumulated particles in the
turbidity maximum. It is hypothesized that the estuarine turbidity maximum
(ETM) was absent 18% of the time with occurrences in all seasons during 19
93-1999 based on river flow volumes from the Kennebec and Androscoggin Rive
rs throughout the study period. When the flow is moderate and low, which oc
curred 73% of the time on average, a region of high turbidity can be found
as far as 40 km upstream of the month. Suspended particulate loads are low
in the ETM, on the order of tens of mg l(-1) and may vary with the length o
f time that the ETM has been present.