Gene therapy to alleviate pain could appear surprising and perhaps not appr
opriate when opioids and other active molecules are available. However, the
possibility of introducing a therapeutic protein into some targeted struct
ures, where it would be Continuously synthesised and exert its biological e
ffect in the near vicinity of, or inside the cells, might avoid some drawba
cks of "classical" drugs. Moreover, the gene-transfer techniques might impr
ove present therapies or lead to novel ones. The recent significant and con
stant advances in vector systems design suggest that these techniques will
be available in the near future for safe application in humans. The first e
xperimental protocols attempting the transfer of opioid precursors genes, l
eading to their overexpression at the spinal level, demonstrated the feasib
ility and the potential interest of these approaches. Indeed, overproductio
n of opioid peptides in primary sensory neurones or spinal cord induced ant
ihyperalgesic effects in various animal models of persistent pain. However,
numerous other molecules involved in pain processing or associated with ch
ronic pain have been identified and the gene-based techniques might be part
icularly adapted for the evaluation of the possible therapeutic interest of
these new potential targets. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights res