The effects of mutation on phenotypic expression are supposed to be mainly
deleterious because mutations disrupt the expression of genes that function
relatively well under current environmental conditions. Thus, mutations ar
e assumed to give rise to deviant phenotypes that are generally selected ag
ainst. Radioactive contamination in the Chernobyl region of Ukraine is asso
ciated with a significant increase by a factor two to 10 in mutation rate i
n microsatellite markers of the barn swallow, Hirundo rustica. Barn swallow
s from Chernobyl had a temporally constant, elevated frequency of partial a
lbinism compared to the situation before radioactive contamination and comp
ared to birds from a control area. Albinism disproportionately affected the
carotenoid-based plumage of the head, suggesting that carotenoid metabolis
m is particularly susceptible to the effects of radiation. Individuals with
partially albinistic plumage had, on average, lower mean phenotypic values
than other birds, and this was particularly the case for males. Furthermor
e, differences in phenotypic variation, as determined using Levene's test,
were significantly larger in partial albinos compared to nonalbinos in male
s, but not in females, even though the null expectation would be the opposi
te due to the lower mean phenotypic values of partial albinos. Although sma
ll phenotypes were commonly associated with germline mutations, there was n
o general decrease in overall body size during the period 1991-2000, implyi
ng that small individuals were selected against. Because partial albinism i
s disfavored by natural selection, the effects of mutations are deleterious
, giving rise to a balance between mutation and selection.