We have recently shown that soybean-derived serine protease inhibitors and
soybean extracts alter skin pigmentation, suggesting that soymilk could be
used as a natural alternative to skin lightening. The present studies were
initiated to examine the possible effect of STI, BBI and soymilk on hair pi
gmentation. Interestingly, these agents were found to affect not only hair
pigmentation, but also the rate of hair growth, the dimensions of the hair
follicle and hair shaft, and the appearance of the hair. The studies presen
ted here provide first evidence, at the morphological and histological leve
l, that soymilk and the soybean-derived serine protease inhibitors could be
used as effective agents for hair care and management. These agents could
reduce the rate of hair growth, decrease hair shaft dimensions and alter th
e pattern of melanogenic gene expression.