Chimeric RNA/DNA oligonucleotides, or chimera, have emerged as a breakthrou
gh technology for treating genetic disorders. Chimera have been shown to in
duce correction of point mutations in several genetic disease models withou
t utilising the viral vectors. Recent studies of chimera-based gene therapy
in genetic disease models are reviewed. Chimera were delivered intravenous
ly, intramuscularly, intradermally, or topically with or without vehicles.
Correction of the mutation at genotypic and phenotypic levels was assessed
using various methods. The gene correction frequency varied, ranging from 1
- 40%. The resulting phenotype changes lasted longer than one year in some
studies. The most dramatic phenotypic change is the reduction of serum bil
irubin level by 50% in the Gunn rat, a model for Crigler-Najjar syndrome. C
himera based gene therapy has the potential to develop into powerful therap
eutic modality for genetic diseases.